Feel Your Best

— by feeling better



welcome to the first steps towards feeling your best!

I've learned that in order to feel better, we actually have to learn how to feel better.

So I created this course as a way to transform your life by developing a deeper relationship with yourself - and your mind.

Because the best investment we could ever make is ourselves - and that continues to compound over time. :)

ready to transform your life? 

this course is for you if:


you want to create a deeper connection with yourself & become more confident in who you are


you're ready to let go of limiting beliefs, build a positive mindset and rewire your subconscious programming


you want to be present, feel fully - and live fully


you're ready to become your desired self, find your self worth and build the life you've always deserved

28 days of content


week one: 

reflect + reconnect


week two: 

rest + reset


week three: 

rewire + regenerate


week four:

rebuild + re-emerge

i’ve helped 500+ people start investing in themselves.

here’s what they’re saying:

Sarah P.

"Talia’s content has been so relatable for me the last couple of years in my own journey and chapter of self love and healing. Her perspective and words always hit me right in the feels and remind me I’m not alone and that I’m on the right path. Thank you!"

PJ Maia

“I have to say that Talia’s content ultimately feels like having someone untie deep-seated knots in your mind you didn’t even know were there. All my respect and gratitude for Talia, for her clarity, generosity, and purpose.”


“Talia’s content feels very tangible, especially because she is vulnerable and gives personal examples. I really like how she talks about day to day habits, ways of speaking to yourself, and not just the glamorous side of healing but also the continuous work required.”

What’s inside the course?

daily videos & 75+ page workbook

different weekly & daily topics

week one: reflect + reconnect

connection, self awareness, relationships, vulnerability, compassion, boundaries & solitude

week two: rest + reset

patience, rest, body awareness, emotions, longevity, creativity, mindset

week three: rewire + regenerate

rewire, regulate, redefine, regenerate, release, reliance, rejoice

week four: rebuild + re-emerge

taking action and putting everything into practice

ready to invest in yourself?




Talia Antonietta

hi, i’m talia!

i'm an LA based creative entrepreneur and i’ve spent my 20’s navigating two very different worlds: wall street and wellness.

now i help mod.ern women build wealthy lives by empowering them to invest early and often -

in themselves.

Designed to help you heal,  feel and transform your life.  

The life of your dreams is on the other side of feeling.